Three Secrets of the God Helios to make your desires come true.


To have your request fulfilled, you first need to know these three secrets:

1. I Am The Sun God. The God of Light who illuminates everything and everyone. However, there is ONE above me who is Almighty God and Lord of the Universe. All the good things in your world and all the good things you have ever received in life come from Him and are His will. Therefore, thank the God of the Universe for all the good things you have received in life, because everything is God's will.

2. Look at the sky on a starry night. Think about the grandeur of the universe full of stars and galaxies. Look at the full moon and see my powerful light reflecting off the moon. I am present in the sky of a starry night. You can't see my light but I am there. After that, make your request to The God of the Universe. Fix your thoughts on the Universe and make your request. The Almighty Lord of the Universe will know what you ask for. If it's good for you or for whoever asks, He will certainly answer.

3. I am Helios and if you want my help, help those who need help. When helping, remember your request and say, thinking of me: "Help me too."

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